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SugarCRM powered by Miri Infotech(LAMP&UBUNTU 16)

Jun 28, 2024
Usage / Deployment Instructions Step 1: Use the browser to access the application at http:// replace with the actual IP address of the running instance. Note: You will get the Instance IP Address as shown in the screenshot below: Step 2: Hit the public ip on the browser and begin with the configuration as shown below: Click nextTick the chechbox and proceed furtherClick next and proceedStep 3: Enter the database details as shown below: Database admin username- root Database admin password- miri Host- localhost Step 4: Enter the following details as per your choice as shown below: Sugar admin name- admin Sugar admin password- miriStep 5: Click install and enjoy your application.Click next even if permission denied because .htaccess file has been blocked by us for security reasons. Step 6: Login to your application and enjoy sugarCRM.
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SugarCRM powered by Miri Infotech(LAMP&UBUNTU 16)

SugarCRM is used for executing successful marketing programs, increase sales, retain customers, and create customized business applications.
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