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Source Code Security Review

Jun 28, 2024
How to place order? Step 1: Log on to your Alibaba cloud account, & click on the product that you wish to purchase. Ensure the specifications, quantity is correct. Click on “Buy Now”. Step 2: Double check your order details , & click “Create Order”.Step 3: Review your order and payment method. Click “Purchase”. Step 4: Order is successful once you see the image below.After Placing Order Go to Delivery Center as a customer. Step 1: Log on to the Alibaba Cloud International site ( by using an Alibaba Cloud account. On the homepage, click Console in the upper-right corner. Step 2: In the Alibaba Cloud Management Console, move the pointer over the icon in the upper-left corner and click Marketplace. Step 3: In the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace console, click Delivery Center in the left- side navigation pane.Step 4: Enter the contact information and requirements/demands for the service products. After entering the information that is required in Step 4, the entered information appears in the left part of the page. The left part of the page displays the information that was entered, including the name, phone number, email address, order ID, order specification, delivery ID, and product ID. The ISV starts to deliver the service after it receives the service requirements/ demands. After the service is delivered, the ISV must click “Finish”, & that the service delivery is complete.Step 5: Then, the following page appears in Delivery Center to end-customer. Customer has to click “Confirm” to confirm that the service delivery is complete. Step 6: After the service is delivered and the customer confirms that the service delivery is complete, the following page appears in Delivery Center to the ISV. The ISV clicks “Finish” to confirm that the service delivery is complete and waits for the confirmation of the customer.Step 7: After the service process ends, the following page appears in Delivery Center to end- customer. Step 8: After the customer confirms that the service delivery is complete, the following page appears in Delivery Center to the ISV.
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Source Code Security Review

Source code security review will be performed based on Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) recommendations to identify potential security issues of the source code. .
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