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Apache Roller powered by Websoft9(Ubuntu16.04)

Jun 28, 2024
 Roller Image Guide Version 5.1.2 Websoft9 Roller stack is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running Roller on Alibaba Cloud. Apache Roller is a Java-based, full-featured, multi-user and group-blog server suitable for blog sites large and small.Roller was originally written by Dave Johnson as an example application for an article on open source Java development tools. The article, titled Building an Open Source J2EE Weblogger, was published on O’Reilly’s site in April, 2002. Roller became an Apache Project in 2007, see the committer list for present-day maintainers of Roller. Roller Stack Components Application Software(Roller5.2.1) Roller install directory: /var/lib/tomcat8/webapp/roller Roller configuration directory:/var/lib/tomcat8/lib/ Infrastructure(Nginx 1.10,Tomcat8) Nginx configuration file: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default Nginx log files: / var/log/nginx Tomcat configuration file directory: /etc/tomcat8/ Tomcat directory: /var/lib/tomcat8 Tomcat manager: http://Internet IP Address/manager Database(MYSQL5.7) Database data directory:  /data/mysql Database Configuration File: /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnfDatabase log files: / var/log/mysql  Default username and password is in the file /root/password.txt Note:It’s randomly generated when installing the Image Verify the Image After the installation of Image,please verify it Login on Alibaba Cloud console,get you Internet IP Address Open you Chrome or Firefox on your local PC,visit the http://Internet IP Address and you can enter the Roller’s start page directly,if there no response from browser,please check the Security Group settings ( to ensure that port 80 is been allowed Getting Started with Roller First please complete the domain resolution if you want to use domain for this application (Add an A record to the Internet IP Address of Server from Domain Control Panel),then access the installation page and complete the installation wizard for the following steps: 1. Using local Chrome or Firefox to visit http://domain or http://Inernet IP Address,go to the installation Wizard. 2. Click the button “Yes-create tables now”,then you will get the successful informaiton feedback 3. Click the “here”,then you will go to the following step 4. Filling your Account information5. You new user account has beend created  6. Log in to the backend->Server administration,set the absolute URL to site(it is very important) 7. Then create a Weblog for you account Note:the same letters are not allowed in the Name,e.g.”dd”,”ff”,otherwise your blog can’t not been visted and display 304 error Will be used Usernames and PasswordsThree usernames and passwords are required for application installation,  application using, andapplication maintenance: 1. Roller:Username and Password is created by youself when installation, 2. Tomcat:Default username and password is admin/123456 Tomcat manager URL: http://Internet IP Address/manager,you can modify the accout from:/etc/tomcat8/tomcat-users.xml 3. MySQL Database:Default username and password is root/123456  and you can modify the password by the following command root@iZuf68djk0smqc7aiy3sh1Z:~# mysqladmin -uroot -p123456 passwo 4. Linux Server:Username is root,Password is set by youself when buying. Please Using the Putty ( for ssh remote and WinSCP ( for SFTP Note:You can reset the password of OS through Cloud Console if you have forgotten it How to connect Server? Connect to a Linux instance using Windows OS This section uses PuTTY as an example. PuTTY can be downloaded here ( You can connect to a Linux instance via PuTTY as follows: 1. Start Putty.exe. 2. Enter the public IP address of the instance in Host Name (or IP address). 3. Use the default port 22. 4. Select SSH as Connection Type. 5. Type a session name in Saved Sessions, and then click Save. In later logins, you may directly load the session without re-entering the IP address.6. Click Open to connect.  7. Upon first connection, the following dialog box will be displayed. Click Yes. 8. As prompted, enter the username and password for the Linux ECS instance. The password will not be displayed on-screen. Pressthe Enter key to complete connection to the instance.  When you connect your computer to the Linux instance successfully, you can operate the instance from your computer. Use Management Terminal to connect to an ECS instance Refer to Use Management Terminal (VNC) to connect to an ECS instance ( How to use SFTP? Use SFTP you can mange file,upload and download file,configure Server. 1. Start WinSCP. Login Dialog will appear. 2. Then select your File protocol(SFTP) on the dialog 3. Enter your host name to Host name field, username to User name and password to Password like below 4. You may want to save your session details to a site so you do not need to type them in every time you want to connect. Press Save button and type site name.5. When appear the dialog below,please select the “yes”  6. You can manane Linux file below 7. WinSCP can integrate the Putty and transfer the log in information to Putty8. Now you can use Putty(Not need to log in) from the menu bar of  WinSCP Roller FAQ Come soon How to start or stop the services? You can use the command to manage the services for Server.Please choose the corresponding command mode according to different types of operating system Ngnix Service ~# systemctl restart nginx MySQL Service ~# systemctl restart mysql How to configure domain? Use domain you should complete the following steps: If you want use Domain for this application,you should complete below steps:1. Domain resolution if you want to use (Add an A record to the  Internet IP Address of Server from your Domain Control Panel).e.g,If you using the AliCloud Domain product,you should log in to your Domain Console Panel 2. Modiy the Apache configuration file: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default 1 server { 2 listen 80 default_server; 3 server_name; 4 location / { 5 proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; 6 } 7 ...... 3. Restart the services root@iZuf65n6gzuzce01ma4usiZ:~# systemctl restart nginx How to modify the Database Connection of Roller? This connection configuration is in the file: /var/lib/tomcat8/lib/roller- database.jdbc.username=root database.jdbc.password=123456   How to configure SSL? Coming soon More Roller Help Link ( Roller Wiki ( Postscript This document is original from Websoft9.In order to ensure the seriousness and usability of the documentation, no one may misappropriate or modify the second distribution. The need for friends reproduced please mark the source, otherwise we reserve the right to give legal action. We will periodically update the documentation. Please visit the online documentation for the latest version This document URL: guide/ ( Support & Partnership: ( Websoft9
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Apache Roller powered by Websoft9(Ubuntu16.04)

Websoft9 Roller is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running Roller on Alibaba Cloud.
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