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phpList powered by Websoft9(LAMP | CentOS7.4)

Jun 28, 2024
 phpList Image Guide Version 3.3.1 Websoft9 phpList is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running phpList on Alibaba Cloud. phpList is open source software for sending email newsletters, marketing campaigns and announcements. In 2015 phpList sent 22 billion messages using sophisticated built-in deliverability tools and comprehensive permission marketing systems.phpList is created by phpList Ltd (a UK registered company) and a global community of Open Source software developers, documenters, and translators. phpList Stack Components Software Version: phpList3.3.1 Software directory: /data/wwwroot/default/phplist Basic software environment: LAMP ( stack-linux-image-guide/) PHP Configuration File: /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini Virtual host Configuration File directory: /usr/local/apache/conf/vhost Virtual host Configuration Command: /root/oneinstack/ Database install directory: /usr/local/mysql Database data directory: /data/mysql Database Configuration File: /etc/my.cnfVerify the Image  After the installation of Image,please verify it Login on Alibaba Cloud console,get you Internet IP Address Open you Chrome or Firefox on your local PC,visit the http://Internet IP Address/ If verify successfully,you can enter the boot page of Websoft9 below If no response from browser,please check the Security Group settings ( to ensure that port 80 is been allowed Database Password his Image use MySQL for database #default user/password:root/123456MySQL User Guide: Click here (  mysql%ef%bc%88lnmplamp-image-%ef%bc%89) Start to install phpList Step1. Add a virtual host Use SSH Command to Add a virtual host: [root@iZbp1i4rjdsy216yq7lgucZ ~]# cd /root/oneinstack [root@iZbp1i4rjdsy216yq7lgucZ oneinstack]# ./ ( Step2. Install phpListOpen your domain name via browser:  1. Please select your preferred language, Click “Initialise Database”; ( 2. Set your admin account, Click “Continue”; ( 3. Click “Do not subscribe”; ( 4. Click “phpList Setup”; ( 5. phpList has been installed successfully. You can now log in to phpList (using your admin account )  , Click “Dashboard”;Or you can continue with other configuration steps.  ( 6. Fill in your admin account, Click “Continue”; ( This is the phpList Dashboard:  ( What''s the URL of backend? phpList’s backend URL is: http://phplist root directory/public_html/lists/admin/ and usename is admin Configuration: verify settings To start your settings verification click Go there next to Verify settings in your configuration overview, or navigate to Config > Settings from the main menu. Please note you do not need to click save for every item, keep editing and click save just once at the end. General Settings These settings will have been completed for you during installation. This example is taken from a personal website/blog. If any of these is incorrect, change it by clicking on the edit icon: [WEBSITE]  placeholder Once you have set your website address, it will be used to complete the [website] placeholder if you use this in your template or content. Security settings Checking for new versions: It is important that you keep your installation secure: this means keeping it up  todate. This setting, defaulting to 7 days, is how often your phpList will check for updates. When you are notified of a new version, you should update as soon as you can. Reporting settings These settings establish who will be notified, by email, of events in your phpList install. These include system messages, such as notices of new subscribers, or reports such as when your campaign sending starts and finishes.It may be that you have a team of people or just an individual, some  standard emails, like, or specific secondary accounts, like You can change these settings any time, but it’s good take some time to decide how you want to manage your system now. You can also choose to send yourself notifications about subscriptions among other things. To edit this setting click the edit icon, choose Yes from the dropdown and click save changes. Campaign settings This section specifies many of the defaults for your campaigns, for example, which email to display in the From: lineof your campaigns (the sender). While you can change some of these options during the composition of each individual campaign, they will always display as stated here during the next new campaign. If you will often use the same details, it is simpler and safer to specify them correctly here so you don’t need to remember to add/edit these details every time you send a new campaign. The settings regarding html template and the default footer are dealt with in the chapters about templates.  Transactional settingsThese are the settings for the automatic emails that get sent by phpList to  your subscribers when they perform an action. For example, when they subscribe or change their details. The emails in this section are usually Noreply is used because it is common for subscribers to reply to these emails, for example asking to be unsubscribed. Subscribers should be encouraged to use the automated processes provided by phpList, which can unsubscribe them without any additional work by the list manager (you!). In addition to specifying the email addresses to be used for transactional messages, this section also deals with the content of these emails. These are ready-made for you, however, you may wish to customize them to reflect your circumstances or brand identity. If you do this, make sure not to remove any of the important information included in the default messages, especially the placeholders in [square brackets]. Other settings subscription-ui settings This section deals with the design of subscribe pages. This section is dealt with in the chapters on subscribe pages. Segmentation settings This section allows you to edit your list category organization. This is dealt with in the chapter about categories. Subscription settings This section provides you with the links to various functional pages within your phpList install. Most of the time you should not edit these settings. They provide a useful reference.Composition settings  This area changes depending on which plugins you are using, and has some useful tweaks for your WYSIWYG editor. For example you can specify the width of the editor. This might be useful if you plan to compose your campaigns on a tablet computer or smart phone. Backup Routine backup (archives) of the database and application setup is essential to ensure failover is can use Manual Backup as following steps: 1. Download the entire phpList files in you root dictionary by FTP or other tools 2. Visit http://< Internet IP Address >/phpMyAdmin,login in to the phpMyAdmin Panel 3. Select you database,then Export 4. Click “go” button,then download the SQL backup file Using PluginsYour phpList can be extended, adapted and customized by the use of  plugins. You can: Use plugins from the phpList plugin library (, which are developed by the phpList community Develop your own plugin, or pay a developer to build it for you Contribute your plugin back into the plugin library. In the example used, we will change the choice of editor used in our install by installing the CKEditorPlugin and disabling the fckphplist plugin. Install Plugins 1. To get to the plugins page from the main menu, click Config > Manage plugins. 2. You will see a list of the plugins you currently have installed. To find new plugin click the Find plugins link. 3. Once you have clicked the Find plugins link, you will see the plugin library. Scroll down or search to find the desired plugin.In this example we are installing the CKEditorPlugin. 4. Right click on the Download link and choose the option to copy the url. The wording of this option will depend on your browser: in this case it reads Copy Link Location. 5. Return to your phpList (it should be in the browser tab to the left of the plugin library). Paste the url into the box labelled Plugin packageURL and click the Install plugin below.  6. You will see the plugin install. Click Continue. Upgrade You should upgrade your phpList installation frequently. By keeping up-to- date you can take advantage of the latest features in phpList which will make your work easier and help you advance your work. Often, a new version will include security updates which are important to protect your data, and the personal details of your subscribers. When to update? When normal configuration/settings have been maintained, phpList will check for updates every 7 days. You can adjust the frequency of checks on the Config > Settings page, accessed via the main menu. When a new version had been released you will receive a notice on your dashboard. You can navigate to your Dashboard from any page in phpList by clicking the link at the top of the Navigation sidebar. If you see a notification saying “A new version of phpList is available!” then it’s time to upgrade. How to update? The update process consists of the following steps: 1. Download the new version 2. Unzip the files 3. Back up your database 4. Back up your config.php 5. Replace old version on your server with new version6. Replace new config.php with your back up  7. Upgrade database with automated updater Finally, log in to your instillation ( will see a big red box at the top of the screen telling you to upgrade your database. Click Upgrade. Read the text, and click Upgrade. You will see a progress bar, and when the process has finished you will be told that you have successfully 1 How to access phpMyAdmin? Websoft9 phpList Image have installed the phpMyadminphpMyAdmin install directory: /data/wwwroot/default/phpMyAdmin 2 Linux Following is the step for access phpMyadmin 1. Open Chrome or Firefox on your local PC 2. visit the http://Internet IP Address/phpMyAdmin,you can enter the login page 3. select you language,Username:root,Password:123456 4. Click the button “Go” Windows Following is the step for access phpMyadmin1. User Remote Desktop Connection of Window to connect to you ECS  2. Install a Chrome or Firefox browser on you ECS 3. Open Chrome or Firefox on your ECS 4. visit the http://localhost or,you can enter the login page 5. select you language,Username:root,Password:123456 6. Click the button “Go” How to change the permissions of filesytem? When install new extension from back-end it will not successful,may be the permissions of file and folder is not appropriate,you should change it Web site root permissions to follow: file 644, folder 755 ,Permissions Users and groups www If there is a file permissions problem, execute the following three commands: chown -R www.www /data/wwwroot/default/phplist find /data/wwwroot/default/phplist -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find /data/wwwroot/default/phplist -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;How to modify the allowed limit for  upload? Modify the  /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini file to increase the allowed size for uploads: ; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept. post_max_size = 16M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 16M then,restart the apache # service httpd restart How to modify PHP settings? The PHP configuration file allows you to configure the modules enabled, the email settings or the size of the upload files. It is located at /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini. There are some PHP settings that need to be sufficient to install. e.g The values for PHP.ini below are suggested values only. memory_limit – Minimum: 256M Recommended: 1G or better upload_max_filesize – Minimum: 20M post_max_size – Minimum: 20M max_execution_time: At Least 120 Recommended: 300 After modifying the PHP configuration file, restart both Apache and PHP- FPM for the changes to take effect: # service httpd restart How to change the max_execution_time?If you receive the message “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds  exceeded”.You may also like to extend the max_execution_time for PHP and you can modify it by two methods below Method one: edit your  /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds ; ; Note: This directive is hardcoded to 0 for the CLI SAPI max_execution_time = 90 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data. It ; idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate ; long running scripts. Method two: edit your .htaccess: php_value max_execution_time 90 phpList Help Links Links Email Marketing Powered by Open Source | phpList ( Websoft9
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phpList powered by Websoft9(LAMP | CentOS7.4)

Websoft9 phpList is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running phpList on Alibaba Cloud.phpList is Open Source software for sending email newsletters, marketing campaigns and announcements.
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