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eNet Connect Elastic Cloud Router

Jun 28, 2024
eNet Connect Portal User Guide Release 21.07Table of Contents 1 eNet Connect Service Overview ......................................................................... 2 1.1 Fonts ....................................................................................................................... 2 2 Log on eNet Connect Home Portal ..................................................................... 3 2.1 Reset a password ................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Modify a password .............................................................................................. 4 3 Dashboard ................................................................................................................ 5 3.1 User Information .................................................................................................. 6 3.2 System Information Report ............................................................................... 7 4 Monitor .................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Node Monitored Metrics ................................................................................... 11 4.2 Interface Monitored Metrics ............................................................................ 12 4.3 IPM (ping) Monitored Metrics .......................................................................... 13 4.4 IPM (curl) Monitored Metrics ........................................................................... 14 1 / 151 eNet Connect Service Overview This document mainly introduces the interface of the eNet Connect Service (Release 21.07) and all operations supported. This document serves to describe the English interface of the eNet Connect Service (Release 21.07). 1.1 Fonts Meaning of different fonts are explained as follow, Font Description Example Buttons and characters for Click Reset Password to reset a Bolded main part of the password interface Section 2: This page displays various metrics of the Italic + Select a Section selected node(s), and the system collects Underscored name data every 5 minutes. Different Metrics can be selected through the drop-down box (2a), including, 2 / 152 Log on eNet Connect Home Portal Sign in onto the Home Portal of eNet Connect by following steps listed below, 1. Click the URL: to sign in onto the home portal of eNet Connect; 2. Type in username and password; 3. Select a language as needed (this document is based on the English Version); 4. Click Sign In to enter eNet Connect’s Home Portal. 2.1 Reset a password Reset a password by following steps listed below, 1. Click Forgot Password to be redirected to the corresponding portal; 2. Type in the email address used to register in the very beginning; 3. Click Get Code, and the system will send a verification code to the email provided in Step 2; 4. Fill in verification code received by email in the Code Part, and provide a new password at New Password; 5. Click Reset Password. 3 / 152.2 Modify a password If users need to change a password after successful log-in, they can have it done by clicking Profile->Modify the password on the right upper corner. For details, please refer to 3.1 User information, Section 1 in the Dashboard. 4 / 153 Dashboard Users can review an overview of eNet Connect system in the Dashboard, and can click each status item to see details. Section 1: User information configuration. Details can be found at User Information; Section 2: navigation area; Section 3: system information report area. Details can be found at System Information Report; Section 4: geographic distribution of the network topology. Click Topology in the picture can be redirected to logic topology portal. Details can be found at Topology. 5 / 153.1 User Information In the Dashboard, Click the Root user area located at the upper right corner to enter User Information Configuration Portal. A root user means a user who successfully logs into an account. In this document, the root user is admin. Information in the User Information Configuration Portal is as follows, Area (1) is root user’s Avatar. System will choose a picture by default, if the user doesn’t specify one; Area (2) displays root user information in the format of ‘root user@[status] company’; Area (3) is a drop-down menu where users can review company profile where the root user belongs to, or can shift to a target company to check its profile. But users can only choose a company that they’re authorized to manage. Area (4) is Profile, and users can access the following information by clicking it, Users can manage provisions in Config, including modification of time zone, selection of language and change of themes. 6 / 15Users can modify a password in Modify the Password, 3.2 System Information Report 3.2.1 Node Status Report This report displays the quantity of Nodes deployed in the eNet Connection and their status via the ring diagram. Users will be redirected to Node Portal by clicking Professional Mode or Ring Diagram’s status item. Please find details regarding Node Portal in section Node Overview. Table 1 Node Status Overview Node Status Description Enrolled Node added into system, but not configured yet Initializing Node under configuration Normal Node in normal operation Warning Node contains alarms that are left unprocessed Node contains severe alarms that are left Critical unprocessed Abnormal data detected in this Node’s logs, or Notification this node contains some low-level alarms Node provided by third parties, and eNet does not Unmanageable manage it Maintaining Node under maintenance All businesses running on this Node suspended, Admin Offline and can only be managed via Tunnel 3.2.2 Interface Status Report 7 / 15This report displays the quantity of interfaces deployed in the eNet Connection and their status via ring diagram. Users can be redirected to Professional ->Interface Portal by clicking the status item of the Ring Diagram so as to review detailed information regarding interfaces. Table 2 Interface Status Overview Interface Status Description Interface has finished configuration, but not deployed Created yet Deploying Interface under deployment Normal Interface in normal operation Warning Interface contains alarms that are left unprocessed Interface contains severe alarms that are left Critical unprocessed Abnormal data detected in this Interface’s logs, or it Notification contains some low-level alarms The Node where the Interface is located is an Unmanageable unmanageable node. eNet does not manage it. The Node where this interface is located under Maintaining maintenance The node where the Interface is located is in Admin Admin Down Offline status, or has been shut down manually (if this functions is supported). 3.2.3 IPM Status Report This report displays the quantity of IPMs deployed in the eNet Connection and their status via ring diagram. Users can be redirected to Professional ->IPM by clicking the status item of the Ring Diagram so as to review detailed information regarding IPMs. Table 3 IPM Status Overview IPM Status Description Deploying IPM under deployment Normal IPM in normal operation Warning IPM contains alarms that are left unprocessed Critical IPM contains severe alarms that are left unprocessed Abnormal data detected in this IPM’s logs, or it Notification contains some low-level alarms 8 / 15The Node where this IPM is located or the Z-end this Maintaining IPM corresponds is under maintenance The Node where this IPM is located or the Z-end this Admin Down IPM corresponds is Admin offline 3.2.4 Active Alarms Report This report displays the quantity of alarms currently in the eNet Connection system but have not been resolved, as well as their distribution and severity. Users can be redirected to Alarm clicking List by clicking Alarm List or the status item of the Ring Diagram so as to review detailed information regarding alarms. Table 4 Alarm Status Overview Alarm Status Description Warning Alarm Critical Severe alarm Notification Notification 9 / 154 Monitor Users can review a list of nodes as a whole, and all metrics monitored against a single node in the Monitor Portal. 1 1a 1c 1b 2 2a 2c 2b 2d Section 1: 1a: searches are enabled in the Search engine, if key words like short name of a node, node id (uuid), circuit id and site. Results will be displayed by the Search engine in real time. 1b: this column displays a shortform lists of nodes; 1c: Node’s status. Please find details in Node Status Report. Section 2: This portal displays all metrics monitored against selected nodes. System collects data on a regular basis, and users can choose different metrics via the drop-down menu (2a), which includes, • Node, details can be found in Section Node Monitored Metrics. • Interface, details can be found in Section Interface Monitored Metrics; • IPM, details can be found in Section IPM Monitored Metrics. 2b: displays metrics that match with the selected date(s). No Data will be displayed if no metrics is generated in the selected date(s). Customers can choose to set different period at up right corner (2c). The maximal customized time span is 2 weeks. 10 / 15Note: system will alert warning if the customized time span exceeds 2 weeks. Meanwhile, the timeline in the picture can be zoomed in or out, and dragged, so as to perform the followings actions, • Scroll mouse to zoom the date in or out; • Left click the mouse to select the timeline and choose different time span; • Left click the mouse to select the timeline and drag it to change the beginning or termination date. Users can export the current graph by clicking the icon at the up right corner , and the picture is in .png format. 2d: means the period when connection with the node is lost. As is shown in the picture below, for the data shown in this period, they are actually resent by the system after connection with the node is resumed. 4.1 Node Monitored Metrics Users can access node monitored metrics by clicking Monitor at this portal, and select Node from the drop-down menu at the up left corner. 11 / 15Metrics shown below can be reviews in the Node Portal, and timelines in all those infographics are interconnected, • CPU Usage: average usage of all CPUs and usage per CPU; • Memory Usage: usage of Memory; • Storage Usage: usage of Storage; • Temperature: only applies to ECEs equipped with temperature detectors; • IMSI: performance of 4G signal, only applies to ECEs that have 4G modules imbedded 4G modules. 4.2 Interface Monitored Metrics 12 / 15Users can access node monitored metrics by clicking Monitor at this portal, and select Interface from the drop-down menu at the up left corner. In the Interface portal, users can review all data traffic of all interfaces (including physical ports and logical ports) that pass through the Node, including inbound traffic (InBound) and outbound traffic (OutBound). The left infographic shows the inbound and outbound traffic in bps, and the right infographic shows the inbound and outbound traffic in pps. 4.3 IPM (ping) Monitored Metrics Users can access node monitored metrics by clicking Monitor at this portal, and select IPM (Ping) from the drop-down menu at the up left corner. That is, users can view status of circuits through Ping command. 1 2 3 13 / 15Users can review all monitored metrics generated by the IPM (ping) configured in the Node in the IPM Portal, and timelines in all those infographics are interconnected, Users can select what IPM infographics to be shown by choosing corresponding information at the place (1) Select IPMs; Users can edit information displayed at the infographics by click and selecting performance indicators at the place (2). Performance indicators include: - RT, i.e. Round trip latency. An offer of Max. RT, Min. RT and Avg. RT can be accesses. - Jitter: frequency of network jitter; - AvailRate and LostRate: they are offered in pair, and indicate the package loss situation. The icon at the place (3) appears when the Report Interval for selecting data is set every one minute. Users can review the corresponding Metric by clicking the icon , as shown below, 4.4 IPM (curl) Monitored Metrics Users can access this portal by clicking Monitor at this portal, and select IPM (curl) from the drop-down menu at the up left corner. That is, users can view status of circuits through Curl command. 1 2 14 / 15Users can review all monitored metrics via IPM (curl) configured on the Node at this portal, and timelines in all those infographics are interconnected, Users can select what IPM (curl) infographics to be shown by choosing corresponding information at the place (1) Select IPMs; Users can edit information displayed at the infographics by click and selecting performance indicators at the place (2). The default ones are HTTP Code, Time Total and Node Downtime. 15 / 15
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eNet Connect Elastic Cloud Router

CBC Tech eNet Cloud Router (eNet) provides enterprises with virtual Layer 3 routing capabilities to extend or terminate on-premise to public cloud through public or private connectivity via CBC's eNet Fabric.
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