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Support & Implementation service (W+ lite)

Jun 28, 2024
W+ lite⽀援實施服務指引 W+ Lite support & implementation service GuidelineW+ Lite ⽀援及實施服務 感謝客⼾採購我們W+ Lite 的⽀援及實施服務,為了讓您可以更⽅⾯了解及清晰我們 成功套餐的內容,以及應⽤⽅法⽅式,請仔細閱讀及參考我們這份指引資料。 什麼是⽀援實施服務? W+ Lite 的⽀援實施服務是⼀種預購鐘數服務的收費。此套餐包括10個⼩時的服務, 每當你有不同的疑問或需求希望得到專⼈⽀援,譬如進⾏培訓,系統問題解決、甚⾄ 數據導入系統等服務,您都可以跟我們提出。我們收到質詢後,會先和您通知此需求 所需要扣的鐘數,同意後我們會扣掉且進⾏項⽬,剩下的時數可以繼續保留到下⼀次 有需要的時候使⽤。服務的有效期是⼀年(以購買⽇開始計算)。 為什麼我需要使⽤⽀援實施服務? ⽀援實施服務適合⼀些採購了W+ Lite的優惠系統套餐、但在使⽤過程中對於營運或 系統有更多的需求及疑問,希望的到更深入的⽀援及幫助的公司及認識。⽀援實施服 務的好處是您可以在⾃⼰可控的成本上開始使⽤系統,以及有⼀年的時間邊使⽤系統 邊觀察到⾃⼰的需要,隨時提出要求讓我們幫您完善系統。 W+ Lite Support & Implementation Service Thank you for purchasing our W+ Lite support & implementation service. To better enable you to understand how to utilize our support & implementation services, please kindly review this guideline. What is the W+ Lite support & implementation service? W+ Lite support & implementation service is a pre-paid services based on hourly work conducted. This service includes 10 hours of service, whenever you have any queries or questions, such as: request of training, data import, customization or development of functions/layouts, you may send us your request. Upon receiving your request we will advise how many hours of service we will need for those requests, and when you agree we will deduct it from your available hours. The remaining hours will be there for you to use the next time you have any service required. W+ Lite support & implementation service are valid for one year from your day of purchase. Why should I use W+ Lite support & implementation service? W+ Lite support & implementation service are suitable for those who have purchased our W+ Lite system packages, and thereafter have additional requests or questions requiring stronger support. As W+ Lite support & implementation service is a pre-paid service, it allows you to find out what your needs are for your system while you are using it, and bring them up with us to implement and enhance your system when you need to.W+ Lite ⽀援及實施服務應⽤參考 以下是⼀些初步參考資料,不同公司可應⽤服務在什麼地⽅ W+ Lite ⽀援及實施服務 ⼩時 10 合適公司⽤⼾數量 1-10 服務及功能需求 Low 可應⽤服務參考 ⽤⼾培訓 ✔ 系統使⽤的疑問及質詢 ✔ 數據導入指引 ✔ 系統技術性問題質詢 ✔ 系統設置(產品、公司、聯繫⼈) ✔ 電話質詢 ✔W+ Lite Support & Implementation Service Usage Reference Below are some reference as to the services which might be applicable for the services W+ Lite Support & Implementation Service Hours 10 Suggested For Companies with Users Of 1-10 Service & function Requirements Low Usage Task References User training ✔ General Q&A on System Usage ✔ Data migration guideline ✔ System debugging / questions ✔ System settings (Products, contacts, etc) guidelines ✔ Phone enquiries ✔W+ Lite ⽀援及實施服務條款: Ø 電話溝通將按每節 15 分鐘扣除(如果少於 15 分鐘將按 15 分鐘收費) Ø 服務僅限電話和電⼦郵件聯絡,不包括所有其他溝通⼯具或⽅法 Ø 每⼀項的到客⼾確認後的實施和開發服務⼯作將需⻑達 2-3 週的時間來完成 Ø 服務時間: Ø 收到問題後,將在正常⼯作⽇上午 9:30 ⾄下午 6:00 正常⼯作時間內, 24 ⼩ 時內確認收到請求或問題 Ø 簡單的debug問題解決⽅案將在確認收到請求/問題 72 ⼩時內處理 Ø 根據問題的難度,需要⽤程式員或更複雜的debug事宜,將在確認收到請求/ 問題 5個⼯作天或以上處理 Ø ⾃付款之⽇起有效期為 1 年 Ø 不⽀援任何需要開發的功能。如需要開發,客⼾需要額外費⽤升級為W+ Pro。 W+ Lite support & implementation service Terms & Conditions: Ø For phone calls, we will deduct based on 15 minute per session (if less than 15 minutes will be charged as 15 minutes) Ø Services are limited to telephone and email liaison, all other communication tools or methods are not included Ø Support or implementation services will require up to 2-3 weeks to finalise and deliver tasks upon confirmation of requested tasks Ø Service response time: Ø Will provide acknowledgement to request or question within 24 hours of receiving question during normal business hours 9:30am-6:00pm on weekdays Ø Simple debugging and solution will be handled within 72 hours upon acknowledgement Ø Issues requiring programming or advanced debugging will require up to 5 working days or more upon acknowledgement, depending on the level of complication Ø Valid for 1 year starting upon the day of payment Ø Does not support any function requiring development or customizations. If development is required, customers will need to upgrade to W+ Pro.THANK YOU Tel : +852 8108 0288 Fax : +852 3511 2991 Email : Address : ⾹港九⻯觀塘鴻圖道44-46號世紀⼯商中⼼11樓1105室
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Support & Implementation service (W+ lite)

Support & implementation services for your W+ lite packages.
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