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Plesk Obsidian on AlmaLinux 9 (BYOL)

Jun 28, 2024
Contents Read Me First 2 Getting Started with Plesk 3 Logging In to Plesk for the First Time ............................................................................................ 4 Plesk User Interface Explained ..................................................................................................... 6 Understanding Subscriptions ...................................................................................................... 13 Plesk Tutorial 14 Step 1. Create Your First Website ............................................................................................... 15 Option A. Upload Content ................................................................................................. 17 Option B. Create your Website in Presence Builder ......................................................... 18 Option C. Install a Content Management System ............................................................. 19 Step 2. Create a Database .......................................................................................................... 20 Step 3. Create a Mail Account ..................................................................................................... 21 Step 4. Add a Custom DNS Record ............................................................................................ 22 Step 5. Back Up Your Website .................................................................................................... 23 Step 6. Change Your Password and Log Out ............................................................................. 23 Plesk Functionality Explained 25 Managing Your User Account ..................................................................................................... 26 Managing Web Hosting ............................................................................................................... 29 Adding Domains ................................................................................................................ 29 Adding Subdomains .......................................................................................................... 30 Adding Domain Aliases ..................................................................................................... 31 Setting Up Custom Error Pages ........................................................................................ 32 Setting Up HTTP 301 Redirection ..................................................................................... 34 Configuring the Preferred Domain .................................................................................... 36 Setting the Default Homepage .......................................................................................... 37 Changing the Document Root Directory ........................................................................... 40 Selecting PHP Version ...................................................................................................... 40 Configuring PHP Settings ................................................................................................. 41 Selecting ASP.NET Version .............................................................................................. 41 Setting MIME Types .......................................................................................................... 42 Uploading Content ....................................................................................................................... 43 Uploading Content Using FTP .......................................................................................... 44 Uploading Content Using the File Manager ...................................................................... 45 Managing Mail Accounts ............................................................................................................. 48 Managing DNS Records .............................................................................................................. 49 Adding and Modifying DNS Records ................................................................................ 50 Using External NS Servers ............................................................................................... 52 Managing Web Applications ........................................................................................................ 52 Viewing Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 53 Managing Backups ...................................................................................................................... 56 Backing Up Account and Websites ................................................................................... 56 Restoring Backups ............................................................................................................ 57C H A P T E R 1 Read Me First If you are reading this, you have probably purchased a web hosting account that comes bundled with Plesk, or perhaps you have installed Plesk on your server because you want to manage websites belonging to your organization, or those of your customers. Congratulations! You have made the right choice. Plesk is a powerful and user-friendly tool that enables you to perform all the day-to-day operations quickly and efficiently. If this is your first time working with Plesk, we strongly recommend that you start reading here. And you probably have two questions on your mind right now: What can Plesk do for me? If you are a shared hosting customer, Plesk enables you to easily manage all aspects of your web hosting account using a web interface that is robust, but easy to learn. You can create domains, mail accounts, databases, and much more. If you are a server administrator or a web designer, Plesk helps you manage websites belonging to your organization or your customers, and also comes with a powerful suite of tools you can use to manage the server itself, as well as to configure the many features and services of Plesk to your liking. What will this guide teach me? This guide consists of three parts:  Getting started with Plesk. This section explains how to begin working with Plesk, gives a brief overview of its interface, and also explains the concept of subscriptions.  Plesk tutorial. This section walks you through performing the most essential web hosting tasks with the help of Plesk. By the end of the tutorial you will have created a functional website, added a database and a mail account, and will also have learned how to manage DNS records and back up your website.  Plesk functionality explained. This section contains expanded instructions explaining how to perform other tasks not covered in the tutorial.C H A P T E R 2 Getting Started with Plesk This section explains how to begin working with Plesk, gives a brief overview of its interface, and also explains the concept of subscriptions. In this chapter: Logging In to Plesk for the First Time ................................................................ 4 Plesk User Interface Explained ......................................................................... 6 Understanding Subscriptions ............................................................................. 134 Getting Started with Plesk Logging In to Plesk for the First Time You can log in to Plesk by visiting the following URL: https://:8443 where is either the domain name or the IP address of the Plesk server. Type in your username and password to log in. When you are logging in to Plesk for the first time, the scenarios will differ depending on whether you are a shared hosting customer, or an administrator managing your server. Logging In as a Shared Hosting Customer When you first log in to Plesk as a shared hosting customer, you will be asked to fill out a form with contact information, such as:  Your company name.  Your phone number and email.  Your address and country of residence. This information will be used by your provider to contact you in case of possible issues. The form also enables you to set a new password for your user account. This password is used together with your username to log in to Plesk. You cannot change your username by yourself. If you want to change your username, contact your provider. Logging In as the Server Administrator When you first log in to Plesk as the server administrator, you will be presented with several forms that will record your personal information and help you set up the initial configuration of Plesk. Here are the steps in sequence: 1. Plesk license agreement. You will need to accept it to proceed further. 2. Initial configuration. You will need to do the following:  Specify the full hostname of the server.  Select the default IP address.  Separate all IPs on the server into shared and dedicated addresses.  Specify the new Plesk administrator password. 3. A form containing your personal information. You will need to fill it out to proceed further. 4. Plesk interface selector. You will need to select the purpose for the server, and also choose between one of the two Plesk interface options:  Power User view. Choose this interface if you are a web admin managing your customers''s websites.Getting Started with Plesk 5  Service Provider view. Choose this interface if you are a shared hosting provider and plan to sell hosting to customers who will manage their websites themselves. 5. Provide your Plesk license key. You can upload a .ZIP archive, an .XML file, or specify the activation code. 6. If you have chosen Power User view, configure your first subscription. You will need to specify the following:  Domain name.  IP address.  System user username and password.6 Getting Started with Plesk Plesk User Interface Explained Different users in Plesk have very different needs and usage scenarios. While the provider may need to set up service plans and configure server-wide settings, a customer may need to create a database or change PHP settings for one of their domains. To accommodate every party, Plesk provides two different panels, described below:  The Customer Panel is focused on web hosting operations and features the tools necessary to create and manage websites, mailboxes, and so on. This panel is designed for hosting customers.  The Power User view includes all the tools available in the Customer Panel, as well as the tools that enable server-wide settings to be managed. This view is best suited for server administrators hosting their own websites, and web studios that manage websites of their customers. Both panels allow management of subscriptions. Because this guide is meant for shared hosting customers and web designers who host their customers’ websites, we will focus on the Power User view. Let us examine a screenshot displaying Plesk in Power User view.Getting Started with Plesk 7 1. This section displays the name of the user who is currently logged in, and the currently selected subscription. The user can change the properties of their user account and choose what subscription they want to manage. 2. This section contains the Help menu. The Help menu lets users access a context-sensitive online guide and watch video tutorials. 3. This section features the Search field. 4. This section holds the navigation pane that helps to organize the Plesk interface. Tools are grouped by function, for example, the tools enabling users to manage web hosting settings are found on the Websites & Domains page, and those enabling users to manage mail accounts are found on the Mail page. Here is a short description of all the tabs and their functionality:  Websites & Domains. The tools here enable customers to add and remove domains, subdomains, and domain aliases. They also enable them to manage various web hosting settings, create and manage databases and database users, change their DNS settings, and secure their websites with SSL/TLS certificates.  Mail. The tools here enable customers to add and remove mail accounts, as well as manage mail server settings.  Applications. The tools here enable customers to easily install and manage a wide range of web applications.  Files. This item features a web-based file manager that enables customers to upload content to their website, as well as manage the files already present on the server within their subscription.  Databases. This item allows customers to create new or manage existing databases.  File Sharing. This item features a file-sharing service that enables customers to store personal files, as well as share files with other Plesk users.  Statistics. This item features information about disk and traffic usage, as well as the link to web statistics that present a detailed overview of the site’s visitors.  Server. This item is only visible to the server administrator. It features tools that enable the administrator to configure server-wide settings.  Extensions. This item enables customers to manage extensions installed in Plesk and access the functions provided by these extensions.  Users. The tools here enable customers to add and remove user accounts that enable other people to log in to Plesk.  My Profile. This item is only visible in the power user view. Here you can review and update contact details and other personal information.  Account. This item is only visible in the Control Panel of shared hosting customers. It features information about resource usage for the subscription, allowed hosting options and granted permissions. The tools here enable customers to retrieve and update their contact details and other personal information, and also back up their subscription settings and websites.  Docker. This item is visible if the Docker Manager extension is installed. Here you can run and manage containers that are based on Docker images.8 Getting Started with Plesk 5. This section houses all the controls relevant to the tab that is currently open. On the screenshot, the Websites & Domains tab is open, and so the various tools that allow managing aspects of the subscription related to web hosting are displayed. 6. This section contains a mix of various miscellaneous controls and information displays for users'' convenience. Later in the guide, we will provide instructions explaining how to perform many everyday tasks. In most cases, they instruct users to open one of the tabs and click one of the controls present there. If the tab or control in question is missing from the panel, the most likely reason is that it is disabled for the subscription in question. Customers who find themselves in such a situation need to contact their provider for assistance. Overview of the Items in the left navigation pane Tab name Available operationsGetting Started with Plesk 9 Websites & Domains  Add a domain (on page 29).  Add a subdomain (on page 30).  Add a domain alias (on page 31).  Upload website content with the built-in File Manager (on page 45).  Preview a website.  Create a website with Presence Builder.  Install applications on a site, such as WordPress or Drupal.  Suspend a website.  Disable a website.  Remove a website, if it is not the first (main) site of a subscription.  Change hosting settings: domain name, hosting type (website or domain forwarding), document root, preferred domain, SSL/TLS support, support for scripting languages (SSI, PHP, CGI, Perl, Python, Apache ASP, FastCGI), select web statistics package (Webalizer or AWStats), switch on support for custom error documents, change the username or password that is required for connecting to the hosting account via FTP, File Manager, SSH (on Linux) and RDP (on Windows), select whether access to the server over SSH is allowed.  Create additional FTP accounts for accessing the site content over FTP.  Set PHP settings for a site.  Adjust web server settings: add new types of index files, MIME types for files with certain extensions, restrict access to a site.  View statistics about site visitors (requires specifying the FTP account username and password).  Change DNS zone records.  Change mail service settings for a domain: switch the mail service off and on, set the mail bounce options and a catch-all address, and select the webmail program that you want to use (Horde IMP webmail or Roundcube).  Protect access to directories of your site with a password.  Copy website files to another domain under your subscription or to an FTP account.  View access and error logs for a site and configure log rotation.  Set up web user accounts.  Create databases and manage them by means of phpMyAdmin.  (Only on Windows) Protect the content of your site from hotlinking.  (Only on Windows) Create virtual directories for a site.  (Only on Windows) Set up ODBC data sources.  (Only on Windows) Configure the settings of ASP.NET framework.  (Only on Windows) Set up a dedicated IIS application pool for websites. Mail  Create email accounts.  View information about how to set up access to a mailbox from a local computer.  Work with mail by means of webmail. Applications  Install applications such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla. A total of 318 applications is currently available for installation on websites. Files  Work with files uploaded to your hosting account. File Sharing  Share files with other users.10 Getting Started with Plesk Statistics  View reports on disk space and traffic usage.  View reports on how your websites are visited.Getting Started with Plesk 11 Server Tools & Settings tab, Security group:  Set security policy and password strength.  Configure the firewall to allow or forbid network connections to the hosting services.  Secure connections to Plesk with SSL/TLS.  Restrict creation of subdomains and domain aliases in DNS zones belonging to other users.  Set up additional administrator accounts if you need to delegate system administration tasks to other users.  See who is currently working in Plesk and close user sessions if required.  See who is currently connected to the server over FTP.  Configure the period that a user session is allowed to remain idle before it is closed.  Restrict access to Plesk interface from IP addresses of computers or networks.  Restrict the creation of specific domain names by users. Tools & Settings tab, Tools & Resources group:  View, add, and remove IP addresses.  Define a set of directories and files that should be created for each site on the server.  Send an email message to a number of Plesk users at once.  Back up and restore data related to hosting services and hosted websites.  Configure the global backing up settings to reduce the CPU load.  Schedule the execution of scripts or utilities on the server.  Set up the execution of custom commands or scripts when specific events occur in Plesk. Tools & Settings tab, General Settings group:  Set the settings such as the server''s host name, statistics calculation preferences, and others.  Adjust the system date and time, and enable time synchronization with a time server on the Internet.  Configure the global DNS zone template that predefines DNS zone settings for all domain DNS zones served by the name server.  Configure the website preview settings.  Configure the file sharing settings.  (Only on Linux) Optimize the performance of Plesk by switching off unused Apache modules. Tools & Settings tab, Server Management group:  View detailed statistics on usage of system resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space.  View the software components installed on the server and managed by Plesk.  Stop, start, and restart system services.  Restart or shut down the server. Tools & Settings tab, Statistics group:  View reports on resource usage by users and websites.  Adjust the statistics retention settings. Tools & Settings tab, Mail group:  Set up email services and protection from spam and viruses.12 Getting Started with Plesk Users  Set up and manage additional user accounts that can access your subscription, and perform operations in Plesk. Account  View detailed information about resource allotments, hosting options, and permissions for operations you may perform in Plesk according to your subscription terms.  Back up and restore your account information and websites. /current/redirect.html?book=administrator-guide&page=59267.htm  Change your contact information.  Change the password for access to Plesk. My Profile  Change your contact information.  Change the password for access to Plesk.Getting Started with Plesk 13 Understanding Subscriptions To understand how the usage of resources is managed in Plesk, as well as how the number of options available to different users is controlled, you need to learn about the concept of subscription. When a customer purchases a hosting account, a subscription is created in Plesk for them. A subscription can be defined as a combination of resources available and permissions granted to a user. Resources include disk space and traffic, and permissions include, for example, the ability to add additional domains or change PHP settings. Permissions give providers a lot of flexibility regarding whether or not customers are allowed to manage certain services and perform certain operations. Note: Later in this guide, you will find instructions explaining how to perform a wide variety of everyday tasks. If you are unable to follow a set of instructions because of a missing tab or button, the most likely cause is that the provider has disabled the corresponding permission in your subscription’s properties. Contact your provider for assistance. Resources assigned to a subscription can be used however the customer sees fit. For example, if a subscription includes 100 megabytes of disk space, the customer is free to use the disk space for domain content, mail, databases, or all of these. If the subscription allows multiple domains to be created, the customer can create one or more additional domains and split the available disk space among them. A single customer can own more than one subscription. It is important to understand that in such cases resources are not shared between subscriptions. For example, if a customer has two subscriptions, both of which include 100 megabytes of disk space, the customer cannot use 150 megabytes for one subscription and 50 for the other. Such resource usage is in violation of one of the subscriptions’ resource limits and may cause the offending subscription to be suspended. Caution: If a subscription is suspended, all domains associated with it become unavailable and the owner is unable to manage the subscription until it has been activated by the provider. If you find that your subscription is suspended, contact your provider as soon as possible to resolve the issue. If you are managing your own Plesk server and are hosting your own websites, or those of your customers, there is no need for resource limits, so your subscription has unlimited resourcesC H A P T E R 3 Plesk Tutorial This section walks you through the steps of performing the most essential web hosting tasks with the help of Plesk. By the end of the tutorial you will have created a functional website, added a database and a mail account, and you will also have learned how to manage DNS records and back up your website. In this chapter: Step 1. Create Your First Website ..................................................................... 15 Step 2. Create a Database ................................................................................ 20 Step 3. Create a Mail Account ........................................................................... 21 Step 4. Add a Custom DNS Record .................................................................. 22 Step 5. Back Up Your Website .......................................................................... 23 Step 6. Change Your Password and Log Out .................................................... 23Plesk Tutorial 15 Step 1. Create Your First Website To set up your first website, you need to follow these steps: 1. Register a domain name. 2. Add a domain in Plesk. 3. Create your website. Registering a Domain Name Think of the domain name as your business'' address. Your customers will use it to find you online, so make sure it is a good one. The best domain names are short, easy to type, and easy to remember. An example of a domain name is Registering a domain name can be done through one of the many organizations called domain registrars. Your hosting provider will usually be able to assist you in registering a domain name as well. Web hosting services are often bundled with domain name registration offers, and vice versa. Caution: If you are a web hosting customer, make sure that when registering a domain name through your hosting provider, it is registered in your name. Otherwise, you may have trouble if you decide to change your hosting provider in the future. Adding a Domain in Plesk If you are a web hosting customer, your provider has probably already added your first domain for you. If they have not, contact your provider. If you are a web admin using the Power User view, you have configured your first subscription during the initial Plesk setup. Adding a domain in Plesk enables you to upload content, use Presence Builder, or install a content management system. In the future, you will be able to add more domains, but for the purpose of this section, your first domain will suffice. Creating Your Website There are three ways to create the content for your website. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Here is a short summary of all three:  Employ a professional designer and upload content. This option guarantees you will get exactly what you want. However, it is also the most expensive one. The web designer will provide you with the files you will need to upload to your hosting account. You can do it using FTP or the File Manager. To learn how to do it, click here (on page 17).  Use Presence Builder. The Presence Builder tool that comes bundled with Plesk enables you to create websites using a web interface. You can use one of the provided templates to create a professional-looking website in a matter of minutes. To learn how to do it, click here (on page 18).16 Plesk Tutorial  Use a content management system. Content management systems (CMS for short) are third-party applications that enable you to create and maintain a website. They are highly versatile, and come with a large number of optional add-ons. CMS offer a greater degree of customization as compared to Presence Builder but demand more technical knowledge from the user. To learn how to use a CMS, click here (on page 19).Plesk Tutorial 17 Option A. Upload Content If you have coded your website yourself, or employed a web designer to do it for you, you need to upload the website content to Plesk before the website becomes available on the Internet. Plesk gives you the option to upload content either using FTP, or the file manager. The instructions below explain how to do both - choose which option works best for you.  To publish a website using FTP: 1. Download an FTP client program. You can choose any FTP client you like. If you do not know what FTP client to choose, you can use FileZilla:  You can download FileZilla here:  You can find FileZilla documentation here: 2. Connect to your subscription on the server using the FTP client. To connect, you need the following information:  FTP server address. The FTP address should be, where is your site’s Internet address.  FTP username. This is identical to your system user name. Note that the system user name may differ from the username that you use for logging in to Plesk. To find what your system user name is, open the Websites & Domains tab and click Web Hosting Access. You will find it under Username. You can change your system user name if you wish.  FTP password. This is identical to your system user password. If you do not know what your system user password is, open the Websites & Domains tab and click Web Hosting Access. You can reset the password under Password. 3. Switch on the passive mode if you are behind a firewall. Refer to your FTP client documentation to learn how to enter the passive mode. 4. Upload the files and directories of your site to the httpdocs directory. If you use CGI scripts, place them in the cgi-bin directory.  To publish a website using the file manager: 1. On your computer, add the folder containing your website’s files to a .ZIP archive. 2. In Plesk Control Panel, go to Files, click the httpdocs folder to open it, click Upload, select the archive file, and click Open. 3. Once the file has been uploaded, click the checkbox next to it, click the More button, and select the Extract Files option.18 Plesk Tutorial It is possible that the website you have uploaded requires a database to function. To learn how to create a database, click here (on page 20). Option B. Create your Website in Presence Builder To create a website using Presence Builder, go to Websites & Domains> Presence Builder and click Create Site.Plesk Tutorial 19 Find more information on creating and editing websites in Presence Builder at Creating your website in Presence Builder means that you do not need a database. Proceed to the next step (on page 21) to learn how to create a mail account in Plesk. Option C. Install a Content Management System To create a website using a Content Management System (or CMS), go to Applications > Install.20 Plesk Tutorial Note that installing a CMS following the instructions above means that a database will be created for your website automatically. Proceed to the next step (on page 21) to learn how to create a mail account in Plesk. Step 2. Create a Database Databases are relational structures used for storing data. Databases are indispensable in modern web hosting, and most of the popular CMSs require a database to operate. Plesk supports MySQL, MSSQL and PostgreSQL database servers, and enables you to add, remove and access databases, as well as manage database users. If your website does not require a database, proceed to the next step (on page 21) to learn how to create a mail account in Plesk.  To create a database and a database user: Go to Databases > Add Database.Plesk Tutorial 21 Step 3. Create a Mail Account The mail service enables Internet users to send email messages to each other. Plesk can function as your mail server. It also enables you to create mail accounts and manage them, including performing a number of common mail-related operations. Such operations include changing the password for a mail account, enabling automatic replies, and so on. If you do not need to create a mail account, proceed to the next step (on page 22) to learn how to add a custom DNS record in Plesk. To create a mail account, go to Mail > Create Email Address.22 Plesk Tutorial Step 4. Add a Custom DNS Record DNS records serve to facilitate domain name translation and help visitors reach your website online. When a domain is created in Plesk, all the necessary DNS records are added automatically. However, Plesk also enables you to add custom DNS records, as explained below. If you do not need to create a custom DNS record, proceed to the next step (on page 23) to learn how to back up your website. To add a custom DNS record to the domain''s DNS zone, go to Websites & Domains > DNS Settings > Add Record.Plesk Tutorial 23 Step 5. Back Up Your Website It is always recommended to keep a backup copy of your websites in case their configuration or content becomes damaged or lost. If you do not need to back up your website, proceed to the next step (on page 23) to learn how to change your password and log out of Plesk. To access the backup function, do the following:  If you are a hosting customer, go to Websites & Domains > Backup Manager > Back Up.  If you are a server administrator and are using the power user view, go to Backup Manager > Back Up. Step 6. Change Your Password and Log Out If you are a web hosting customer, it is likely that the password you use to log in to Plesk was set up for you by your hosting provider. To change it, hover your mouse pointer over your user name located at the top of the page and click Edit Profile.24 Plesk Tutorial Now that we have performed all the desired tasks, it is time to log out of Plesk. Hover your mouse pointer over your user name located at the top of the page and click Log out. This concludes our tutorial. We hope it was useful, and encourage you to further explore Plesk and learn all the other ways it can make managing your web hosting account easier. The following resources will be helpful:  The Plesk Functionality Explained (on page 25) section of this guide complements the tutorial by expanding on the topics it covered.  The Plesk Customer''s Guide contains complete information about all the Plesk functionality available to web hosting customers.  The Plesk Administrator''s Guide contains complete information about all the Plesk functionality available to the server administrator.C H A P T E R 4 Plesk Functionality Explained This section contains expanded instructions explaining how to perform other tasks not covered in the tutorial. In this chapter: Managing Your User Account ............................................................................ 26 Managing Web Hosting ..................................................................................... 29 Uploading Content............................................................................................. 43 Managing Mail Accounts ................................................................................... 48 Managing DNS Records .................................................................................... 49 Managing Web Applications .............................................................................. 52 Viewing Statistics .............................................................................................. 53 Managing Backups ............................................................................................ 5626 Plesk Functionality Explained Managing Your User Account Changing Your Username for Access to Plesk Customers do not have the ability to change their user account login name in the Plesk GUI. To change your user account login name, contact your provider. Changing Your Password for Access to Plesk To change your password, place the mouse pointer over your username located at the top of the page and click Edit Profile, or go to My Profile. Type in your new password and confirm it.Plesk Functionality Explained 27 Changing Your Interface Language To change your interface language, place the mouse pointer over your username located at the top of the page and click Edit Profile, or go to My Profile. Select the desired language from the Plesk language menu. Changing Your Contact Details To change your contact details, place the mouse pointer over your username located at the top of the page, click Edit Profile, or go to My Profile. Then go to the Contact Details tab. Change your contact details and confirm them.28 Plesk Functionality Explained Logging Out of Plesk To log out of Plesk, place the mouse pointer over your username located at the top of the page, and click Log out.Plesk Functionality Explained 29 Managing Web Hosting Adding Domains If your subscription allows it, you can create more than one domain on a single subscription. The newly added domain will share the subscription''s resources with all other domains belonging to the same subscription. However, in all other respects the newly created domain will be independent from the principal one - it will have its own web hosting and DNS settings, databases, mail accounts, and so on. Adding a new domain is helpful in the following scenarios:  You want to create an additional website that is unrelated to any of the websites you already own, with its own name, web content, mail accounts, and so on. Note that in this scenario, unless you already have another second-level domain name registered, you will need to register one for the new website. A second-level domain name consists of a proper name and a top level domain suffix (called TLD for short), such as .com or .net. is an example of a second-level domain. You may be able to register a domain name through your provider. Alternatively, you can purchase one from a domain registrar of your choice.  You want to transfer a domain already hosted at a different provider. In this scenario you may need to contact your domain registrar to change the authoritative name servers for the domain name of the website you want to transfer to Plesk name servers. You will also need to transfer website content - you can upload it via FTP or the File Manager, as described in the Uploading Content section.  You want to set up a website that will redirect visitors to a different website. Some possible reasons for setting up such redirection are listed in the Adding Domain Aliases section. You need a separate domain name for the domain alias. To add a new domain, go to Websites & Domains > Add Domain.30 Plesk Functionality Explained Adding Subdomains If your subscription allows it, you can create one or more subdomains, or third-level domains, for each of your domains. Subdomains share all the subscription''s resources with all the other domains and subdomains belonging to the same subscription. However, every subdomain can have its own web hosting and DNS settings. Adding a new subdomain is helpful in the following scenarios:  You want to logically organize the structure of your website. For example, you can display the information about your company at, or have your web store accessible at  You want to host a large number of simple websites and do not want to purchase a separate domain name for each of them. For example, you can host personal websites using addresses like and To add a new subdomain, go to Websites & Domains > Add Subdomain.Plesk Functionality Explained 31 Adding Domain Aliases If your subscription allows it, you can create one or more domain aliases. Domain aliases do not have any content of their own, but instead redirect to a different website when visited. Note that unless you already have another second-level domain name registered, you will need to register one for the domain alias. You may be able to register a domain name through your provider. Alternatively, you can purchase one from a domain registrar of your choice. Adding a new domain alias is helpful in the following scenarios:  You want to make sure that the visitors can find your website regardless of the TLD they use. For example, you can register and, and use them as domain aliases pointing to your website  You want to make sure that visitors who mistype your domain name can find your website. For example, you can register and use it as a domain alias pointing to your website  You want to change the domain name of your website but also want visitors who use your old domain name to be able to find your website. For example, you want to change the domain name of your website from to You can configure the name to be a domain alias pointing to your new website To add a new domain alias, go to Websites & Domains > Add Domain Alias.32 Plesk Functionality Explained Setting Up Custom Error Pages Whenever the web server encounters an error that prevents it from correctly displaying the page of your website a visitor has requested, a special error page is displayed along with the relevant error code. By default, such pages are often generic and may not be sufficiently informative. You can replace the standard error pages with custom ones. Setting Up Custom Error Pages on Linux 1. Go to Websites & Domains > Hosting Settings. 2. Select the Custom error documents checkbox and click OK.Plesk Functionality Explained 33 3. Connect to your FTP account, and go to the error_docs directory. 4. Edit or replace the respective files. Be sure to preserve the correct file names:  400 Bad File Request - bad_request.html  401 Unauthorized - unauthorized.html  403 Forbidden/Access denied - forbidden.html  404 Not Found - not_found.html  405 Method Not Allowed - method_not_allowed.html  406 Not Acceptable - not_acceptable.html  407 Proxy Authentication Required - proxy_authentication_required.html  412 Precondition Failed - precondition_failed.html  414 Request-URI Too Long - request-uri_too_long.html  415 Unsupported Media Type - unsupported_media_type.html  500 Internal Server Error - internal_server_error.html  501 Not Implemented - not_implemented.html  502 Bad Gateway - bad_gateway.html  503 Service Temporarily Unavailable - maintenance.html The web server will start using your error documents after it is restarted. Setting Up Custom Error Pages on Windows 1. Go to Websites & Domains > Hosting Settings. Select the Custom error documents checkbox and click OK.34 Plesk Functionality Explained 2. Click Virtual Directories and open the Error Documents tab. The list of error documents for the root web directory will be displayed. These are used for all web pages of the selected site. If you want to customize error pages for a specific virtual directory, navigate to that directory first. 3. Click the error document you want to change. The following options are available:  To use the default document provided by IIS for this error page, select Default from the Type menu.  To use a custom HTML document located in the error_docs directory situated in the virtual host directory of the domain, select File from the Type menu and specify the file name in the Location field.  To use a custom HTML document located in a directory other than error_docs, select URL from the Type menu and enter the path to your document in the Location field. The path must be relative to the virtual host root (that is, the %plesk_vhosts%\\httpdocs folder). For example, you have created a file named forbidden_403_1.html and saved it in the my_errors directory located in the httpdocs directory. To use this file as an error document, you need to type the following path into the Location field: /my_errors/forbidden_403_1.html. Note: You can use FTP or File Manager in Plesk to upload your custom error document to the server. By default, all error documents are stored in the %plesk_vhosts%\\error_docs\ directory. The web server will start using your error documents after it is restarted. Setting Up HTTP 301 Redirection Plesk provides two ways of setting up the search engine friendly HTTP 301 redirection from one website to another. This allows preserving search engine rankings of the website to which visitors are redirected. For example, if you set up HTTP 301 redirection from to, search engines will treat both www and non-www versions as the same site. If you use HTTP 302 redirection instead, the www and non-www versions will be treated as different sites. As a result, rankings will be split between them. To set up HTTP 301 redirection using domain aliases, go to Websites & Domains > Add Domain Alias.Plesk Functionality Explained 35 To set up HTTP 301 redirection using forwarding hosting type, go to Websites & Domains > Add Domain.36 Plesk Functionality Explained Configuring the Preferred Domain As a rule, any website is available using both a URL with a www prefix (such as and one without it (such as We recommend that you pick one and always redirect visitors from the other. Typically, the non-www version is chosen to accept all visitors. As an example, if you configure the non-www version ( as the preferred domain, a visitor will be redirected to even if they type in their browser address bar. To configure or disable the preferred domain, go to Websites & Domains > Hosting Settings.Plesk Functionality Explained 37 Plesk uses the search engine friendly HTTP 301 code for the redirection. This allows for preserving search engine rankings of your site (preferred domain). If you disable the redirection, search engines will treat both www and non-www versions as different sites. As a result, rankings will be split between them. Setting the Default Homepage To change the default index page in Plesk for Linux: 1. Go to Websites & Domains > Apache & Nginx Settings. 2. Select the Enter custom value option in the Index files section. Specify the file name or names to be used as the default page. You can specify more than one, separating the file names from each other with white spaces. For example, if you specify
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