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Oracle WebLogic 14c on RedHat 8 with Support by cloudimg

Jun 28, 2024
You may now access the WebLogic Administration Console via the below URL. Exchange the values in RED with that matching your instance. http://PUBLIC /PRIVATEIP:7001/consoleThe default Administrator username for WebLogic is: weblogic The default password for the Administrator WebLogic user is: welcome123 Enter these values and Click Login, the steps below will detail how to reset this password value. Resetting WebLogic Administrator PasswordClick Lock & Edit in the top left pane. Upon selecting this, the Lock & Edit option will be greyed out ensuring the edit session is active. Click Security Realms in the left-hand pane.Select myrealm Select Users and GroupsSelect the weblogic user Select PasswordsSet a new value for the password in the two fields shown above to be a strong password value. Click Save. Click Release Configuration in the left-hand pane.The WebLogic Instance will need to be rebooted before the password change can take effect. The file of the Admin Server will also need to be updated with the new password value. Upon the restart of the Admin Server, the password within the file will become hashed and encrypted. Follow the below steps to update the password in the file and restart the WebLogic Instance. Run – Edit the file as the oracle user. #Set the Oracle environment variables via the script cd $HOME . ./ # Create a copy of the files cp $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/ $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/ # Edit the existing file to include the new password set in the Administration Console. vi $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/ REPLACE – Enter the new password value, example shown below. Edit the line containing password to now equal your new password value. password=STRONG_PASSWORD123 Save and exit the file. Run – Stop the WebLogic Instance. #Stop the sample Oracle WebLogic Instance cd $HOME . ./ # The shell will now begin the shutdown of the WebLogic Instance. Once complete, a stop log file can be found under the directory /home/oracle/stop-weblogic.log for review before starting the services.Run – The below commands will start the sample Oracle WebLogic instance. #Start the sample Oracle WebLogic Instance cd $HOME . ./ # A start log file will be created under the $HOME directory of the oracle user. You can run the below command the check the status of the system start. tail -f /home/oracle/start-weblogic.log EXPECTED OUTPUT You may now access the WebLogic Administration Console via the below URL. Exchange the values in RED with that matching your instance. http://PUBLIC /PRIVATEIP:7001/consoleUsername: weblogic Password: Enter your new weblogic administrator password value. Click Login WebLogic is now available for use as per your requirements.">
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Oracle WebLogic 14c on RedHat 8 with Support by cloudimg

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