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LNMP CentOS7.7 64bit

Jun 28, 2024
【User Guide】 1、change mysql password: mysqladmin -uroot -p old password ******** new password notice:There is no space between -p and the old password, and there is a space between password and the new password 2、START nginx systemctl start nginx RESTART nginx systemctl restart nginx STOP nginx systemctl stop nginx VIEW nginx status systemctl status nginx 3、START MySQL systemctl start mysql RESTART MySQL systemctl restart mysql STOP MySQL systemctl stop mysql VIEW MySQL status systemctl status mysql 4、START php systemctl start php-fpm RESTART php systemctl restart php-fpm STOP php systemctl stop php-fpm VIEW php status systemctl status php-fpm 5、Login MySQLweb management console,input http://IP/phpmyadmin in the browser,As shown:6、Visit website homepage,input http://IP in tje browser,As shown: 7、View PHP information,input http://IP/phpinfo.php in the browser,as shown:8、MySQL account and database management Login database mysql -u root -p(input database root password create database cldera; creat account cldera to manage cldera,password; grant all privileges on cldera.* to ''cldera''@''localhost'' identified by '''';flush privileges; If you need to connect remotely,use grant all privileges on cldera.* to ''cldera''@''%'' identified by ''''; flush privileges;
To view the full page, please visit: LNMP CentOS7.7 64bit Product Userguide

LNMP CentOS7.7 64bit

(CentOS7.7 64 bit)MariaDB 10.3.15 PHP7.3.11 Nginx1.16.1 phpMyadmin4.9.1
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