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KUSANAGI on Alibaba Cloud Business Edition

Jun 28, 2024
KUSANAGI Command Manualinit KUSANAGI initialization Set or change the user passwords of Linux and databases in the KUSANAGI virtual machine. Command Line kusanagi init Parameters Designate TZ as timezone.This string is case-inse nsitive。 Also, timezone will be define as “Asia/Tokyo” eve n the string is not incomplete such as “Toky”. Designate multi or numerous timezone will cause the error occurred. If didn’t designate Option--tz as timezone, select t --tz TZ he timezone as interactive behavior. Select your language. Designate en will defined as en_US.UTF-8. Furth --lang [en|ja] er, designate ja will defined as ja_JP.UTF-8. Configure keyboard layout.Designate en or ja. Designate us keyboard with Option--keyboard en. Further, designate ja keyboard(jp106) with Option- -lang ja. If didn’t designate Option--keyboard as keyboard, --keyboard [en|ja] select the keyboard as interactive behavior. Configure KUSANAGI user password. If didn’t designate --passwd either --kusanagi-pas --passwd password | s as password, configure a password as interactiv --kusanagi-pass password e behavior.If designate Option--phrase either--kusanagi-phras e, configure the phrase with kusanagi SSH user’s key phrase as interactive behavior. Configure the phrase at least more then 5 more l etters. If didn’t designate Option--nophrase either--no-ph rase,user kusanagi SSH user’s key phrase will co nfigure as blank string. When designate this option (--phrase,--kusanagi-p hrase, --nophrase,--no-phrase) in same time, even designate option afterward also would be effectiv e. --phrase phrase | When didn’t designate this Option (--phrase,--kus --kusanagi-phrase phrase | anagi-phrase, --nophrase,--no-phrase), configure --nophrase|--no-phrase SSH user’s key phrase as interactive behavior. Designate MySQL root’s password. This password should be designate by using 「A ~Z,a~z,0~9,.,!,#,%,+,_,-」and at least more then 8 letters When didn’t designate this Option --dbrootpass ,c onfigure MySQL root password as interactive beh --dbrootpass password avior. Designate to active server.If designate to NGINX, enter --nginx to execute, enter --httpd to active A pache2 server. If designate Option --nginx,--httpd in the same ti me, the previous option only will be execute. If didn’t designate Option --nginx,--httpd, designat --nginx | --httpd e to active server as interactive behavior. Designate to active the application server.Enter -- hhvm to active HHVM, enter --php7 to active PH P7, enter --php5 to active PHP-FPM(PHP5). --hhvm | --php7 | --php5 If designate Option --hhvm,--php7,--php5 in the same time, the previous option only will be execut e. If didn’t designate Option --hhvm,--php7,--php5 ,d esignate to active application server as interactive behavior. provision [profile] WordPress Provision A profile created by KUSANAGI for WordPress installation. Web server configuration , document root will provision in this profile. Example kusanagi provision [options] profile Parameter WordPress Provision Even didn’t enter the following options --concrete5,- c5,--drupal8,--drupal,--lamp,--LAMP ,will be automati c provisioning with WordPress. If designate the following Option --WordPress,--wor dpress,--concrete5,-c5,--drupal8,--drupal,--lamp,--LAM P multiple times, the latest designated option only --WordPress|--wordpress would be effective. --concrete5|--c5 Provision with Concrete5 --drupal8|--drupal Provision with Drupal8 Provision with LAMP(Linux+NGINX+MySQL+PHP) o --lamp|--LAMP r LEMP(Linux+NGINX+MySQL+PHP). Only effective while WordPress is provisioning. --wplang [en_US|ja] Designate to en_US will able to choose languagewhile WordPress installing. Designate to ja will install WordPress Japanese ve rsion WordPress. If didn’t designate Option--wplang, will configure en _US either ja as interactive behavior. Only effective while WordPress is provisioning. Designate Option --WooCommerce or --woo will ins tall WooCommerce in the same time while WordPr ess installing. While configuring --wplang ja ,or installing by Japa nese language as interactive behavior. WooComme rce Japanese package, WooCommerce plugin for J apan, GMO permanent plugin will be installing in t --WooCommerce|--woo he same time. Designate the hostname(FQDN) for profile.When D esignate is specified, the host name is set in the web server configuration file and /etc/hosts file. If didn’t designate Option--fqdn, will configure the h --fqdn hostname ostname as interactive behavior. Designate Option --email , using the designated e mail to issue Let’s Encrypt ssl certificate. If designate Option --noemail either --no-email, Le t’s Encrypt SSL certificate won’t issue. Designated the following Options --email、--noemai l、--no-email mulitiple times,the latest designated on ly will be effective. If didn’t designated Option --email、--noemail、--no-e --email Email address| mail, will configure the email address as interactive --noemail|--no-email behavior. Using designate database name create a new data base. --dbname database name Configure database name by 「A~Z、a~z、0~9、.、_、-」and the letters should be between 3~64. If didn’t designate Options --dbname, will configure database name as interactive behavior. Designate to database username to access to data base which created previously. Configure the DB username by「A~Z、a~z、0~ 9、.、_、-」and should be between 3~16 letters. If didn’t designate Option--dbuser, configure DB us --dbuser DB username ername as interactive behavior. Configure the DB password as DB user. Configure the DB password 「A~Z、a~z、0~ 9、.、!、#、%、+、_、-」and at least more than 8 letter s. If didn’t designate Option --dbpass, configure DB p --dbpass DB password assword as interactive password. Random to designate profile. プロファイルは、「A~Z、a~z、0~9、.、_、-」の組み合わ profile せからなる 3~24文字の文字列である必要があります。 status Show the current status of KUSANAGI. Command Line kusanagi status Parameters NoneExample # kusanagi status Profile: [profile name] Type: WordPress KUSANAGI Version 8.0.0 [VM image name] *** nginx *** ● nginx.service - The NGINX HTTP and reverse proxy server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-09-07 11:51:22 JST; 6h ago *** Apache2 *** ● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead) *** HHVM *** ● hhvm.service - HHVM virtual machine, runtime, and JIT for the PHP language Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/hhvm.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-09-07 11:51:22 JST; 6h ago *** php-fpm *** ● php-fpm.service - The PHP FastCGI Process Manager Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead) *** php7-fpm *** ● php7-fpm.service - The PHP FastCGI Process Manager Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php7-fpm.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead) *** Cache Status *** fcache off bcache off Done The contents should be like the following. • Profile Current Profile • Type Current profile type (WordPress, concrete5, drupal8, lamp)• KUSANGI Version Current version of KUSANAGI. • VM image name Unique characters by cloud service providers。 • *** nginx *** NGINX status. Active line shows running message • *** Apache2 *** Apache2(httpd) status. Active line shows running message • *** HHVM *** HHVM status. Active line shows running message • *** PHP-FPM *** PHP-FPM(PHP5) status. Active line shows running message • *** PHP7 *** PHP7 status. Active line shows running message • fcache fcache on or off • bcache bcache on or off. If you don’t use WordPress or haven’t initialized WordPress, it doen’t show any messages. warm-up Warm up HHVM by having it access itself a few times. * Only available when using HHVM. Command Line kusanagi warm-up Parameters None Example# kusanagi warm-up http:/// ############ Done. target [profile] Change the target profile for “warm-up”, “bcache”, and “update” commands. Command Line kusanagi target [profile] Parameters profile Example # kusanagi target saya Done. # kusanagi target saya Target is changed to saya Done.update [plugin|cert {profile}] Update KUSANAGI WordPress plugins or SSL Certificate of Let’s Encrypt. Command Line kusanagi update plugin kusanagi update cert kusanagi_html Parameters plugin | cert {profile} Example # kusanagi update plugin Done. # kusanagi update cert kusanagi Done. remove [-y] [profile] Remove Profile, setting files, Documentroot and database. Command Line kusanagi remove kusanagi remove -y kusanagi_htmlParameter [-y] -y Delete setting files, DocumentRoot and database. profile [profile name] : Delete profile. If you don’t use it, delete curr [profile] ent profile. Delete the profile after designated a new profile. Example # kusanagi remove kusanagi_html Remove kusanagi_html config files ? [y/n] y Remove /home/kusanagi/kusanagi_html ? [y/n] y Remove kusanagi_html database ? [y/n] y Done. nginx Switch to using nginx. Restart nginx by this command if nginx is already working. Command Line kusanagi nginx Parameter None Example # kusanagi nginxuse nginx Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi- Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi- to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service. Done. httpd Switch to using Apache. Command Line kusanagi httpd Parameters None Example # kusanagi httpd use httpd Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See
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KUSANAGI on Alibaba Cloud Business Edition

KUSANAGI is a virtual machine that enables speeds 10-15x times the standard LAMP stack, without page caching. With page caching, it can be several thousand times faster.
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