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Array Networks vxAG (PAYG) - 500 Concurrent Users + 5 vSites

Jun 28, 2024
vxAG Installation Guide for Alibaba Cloud InternationalCopyright Statement Copyright©2016 Array Networks, Inc., 1371 McCarthy Blvd, Milpitas, California 95035, USA. All rights reserved. This document is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and compilation. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Array Networks, Inc. Documentation is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including any kind of implied or express warranty of non-infringement or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Array Networks, Inc., reserves the right to change any products described herein at any time, and without notice. Array Networks, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the use of products described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Array Networks, Inc. The use and purchase of this product does not convey a license to any patent copyright, or trademark rights, or any other intellectual property rights of Array Networks, Inc. Warning: Modifications made to the Array Networks unit, unless expressly approved by Array Networks, Inc., could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment 2019 Array Networks, Inc. all rights reserved IRevision History Contact Array Networks Please using the follow methods to contact Array Networks: Web Sites: General Contact Info: Array Networks, Inc. 1371 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 USA Phone: (408) 240-8700 Toll Free: 1-866-MY-ARRAY Fax: (408) 240-8754 Email:  Technical Support 877-992-7729 1-866-MY-ARRAY Email:  International Sales Email: (international) 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved IIRevision History Revision History Date Description 2019-06-10 Initial official version. 2019-06-25 English version for Alibaba Cloud International 2020-01-8 Update the default log-in information 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved IIITable of Contents Table of Contents Copyright Statement ...................................................................................................... I Contact Array Networks ............................................................................................... II Revision History .......................................................................................................... III Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... IV Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 5 1.1 How Array vxAG Works on Alibaba Cloud.................................................... 5 1.1.1 Alibaba Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) ........................................ 5 1.1.2 Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS).................................... 5 1.1.3 Recommended ECS Instance Types ..................................................... 6 1.1.4 Network Deployment ............................................................................ 6 1.2 Usage Limitation and Guidelines..................................................................... 7 Chapter 2 Deploying vxAG on Alibaba Cloud .............................................................. 8 2.1 Creating VPC and VSwitch ............................................................................. 8 2.2 Creating vxAG Instance ................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Basic Configuration .............................................................................. 9 2.2.2 Networking Configuration .................................................................. 10 2.2.3 System Configuration (Optional) ........................................................ 11 2.2.4 Grouping Configuration (Optional) .................................................... 11 2.2.5 Configuration Preview ........................................................................ 12 2.3 Accessing the vxAG Instance ........................................................................ 13 2.3.1 Accessing the vxAG vis SSH ............................................................. 13 2.3.2 Accessing the vxAG Instance via WebUI .......................................... 14 2.4 Installing vxAG License ................................................................................ 14 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved IVChapter 1 Introduction Array vxAG is an SSL-based VPN platform that provides fast, secure and flexible L3VPN access, desktop express and mobile access. Through the integration of SSL acceleration, AAA and user policies, Array vxAG protects the security of the intranet while allowing employees, customers and partners to access the intranet remotely. Alibaba Cloud is a large cloud service platform that integrates functions such as cloud computing, cloud database, cloud storage and cloud shield. Array has now released vxAG image files to the software market of Alibaba Cloud International Service Platform. Users can retrieve and purchase vxAG image files in the software market of Alibaba Cloud platform and deploy Array vxAG on the Alibaba Cloud International service platform in the form of ECS instances to provide users with L3VPN access, Desktop Express and Mobile Access solutions. 1.1 How Array vxAG Works on Alibaba Cloud Alibaba Cloud International Service Platform provides Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Elastic Compute Service (ECS). Customer can utilize Alibaba Cloud VPC and ECS to build its virtual network computing environment. 1.1.1 Alibaba Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) VPC is a private network dedicated to individual customer in Alibaba Cloud. Customers have full control over the VPC, such as specifying its IP address range, and configuring route tables and network gateways. You can also use Alibaba Cloud resources such as ECS, RDS, and SLB in your own VPC. For more information about Alibaba Cloud VPC, see Virtual Private Cloud documentation. Figure 1–1 VPC Topology 1.1.2 Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) Alibaba Cloud ECS is a type of computing service that features elastic processing capabilities. ECS has a simpler and more efficient management mode than physical 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 5servers. You can create instances, run different SW/OS (such as vxAG image), and add or release any number of ECS instances at any time to fit your business needs. For more information regarding to Alibaba Cloud ECS, see What is ECS. An ECS instance is a virtual computing environment that includes CPU, memory, networking, and other basic computing components. An instance is the core component of ECS and is the actual operating entity offered by Alibaba Cloud. Other resources, such as disks, images, snapshots, and network access information (IP addresses) can only be used in conjunction with an ECS instance. For the detail and latest available ECS instances, please see Alibaba Cloud International Instance type families. Note: The availability of each instance type may differ with region and time. 1.1.3 Recommended ECS Instance Types The vxAG computation and network performance is based upon the resources of the underlying Alibaba Cloud ECS instance type. Following are the recommended ECS Instance Types for vxAG. Table 1–1 vxAG Supported ECS Instance Types Private IP Memory Local disks Unit bandwidth Instance type vCPU ENIs address of a (GiB) (GiB) (Gbit/s) single ENI ecs.sn1ne.large 2 4 N/A 1 2 6 ecs.sn1ne.xlarge 4 8 N/A 1.5 3 10 ecs.sn1ne.2xlarge 8 16 N/A 2 4 10 Note: 40GiB local disk is acceptable for vxAG. 1.1.4 Network Deployment An Elastic IP (EIP) Address is a public IP address resource that you can purchase and use independently. When vxAG instance is deployed in an Alibaba Cloud VPC, an EIP is associated with the vxAG ECS instance for external access. Following is the Alibaba Cloud vxAG deployment topology, wherein the clients can access and utilize vxAG VPN services through the EIP. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 6Figure 1–2 vxAG Deployment in Alibaba Cloud VPC 1.2 Usage Limitation and Guidelines  In the Alibaba cloud service architecture, if the vxAG is deployed with multiple network interfaces, the Alibaba VPC needs to be used. You should configure the VPC route table correctly to make sure that the management and external subnets are publicly accessible.  vxAG uses BYOL (Bring Your Own License) model license where all the available resources, such as the maximum sessions and maximum virtual portals, are specified. When purchasing a vxAG BYOL license from Array Customer Support, please specify the Alibaba ECS instance type.  The vxAG license has the following software features included as standard: – Host checking – Cache cleaner – SSL encryption for data in transit – Per-user policy engine – Multiple access methods (Web, Layer 3, client-server, thin client) – 64-bit architecture – Non-disruptive upgrades up to 600 concurrent users and 500Mbps throughput For vxAG for PAYG (Pay As You Go) and Subscription (Monthly/Annually), the image is pre-licensed with the max sessions and virtual portals. You can launch vxAG instance on Alibaba Cloud without contacting Array Networks. However; the license cannot be modified. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 7Chapter 2 Deploying vxAG on Alibaba Cloud This section describes the process of deploying the vxAG ECS instance within the Alibaba Cloud VPC. 2.1 Creating VPC and VSwitch Before deploying the vxAG, you need to create a VPC first. For each VPC, we recommend two VSwitches for management and external access purposes. If additional VSwitches are needed, you can add them later. For more information about creating and configuring the Alibaba Cloud VPC, please refer to Create a VPC. Please also remember to purchase an Elastic IP as instructed in Create an EIP. 2.2 Creating vxAG Instance Alibaba Marketplace got all Array vxAG listed. Selected one and click Choose Your Plan. Or, in the Alibaba Cloud Console page, click the icon on the upper-left corner to enter the left sidebar, and then select Elastic Compute Service > Instances. In the Instances page, click the Create Instance button to create an Instance. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 8The whole process contains the following parts:  Basic Configuration  Networking Configuration  System Configuration (Optional)  Grouping (Optional)  Preview 2.2.1 Basic Configuration Perform the following procedure to complete the Basic Configurations: 1. Select a Billing Method: Subscription or Pay-As-You-Go. 2. Select a region and zone. By default, a zone is assigned randomly. You can also select an applicable one. 3. Select an instance type and specify the quantity of instances. The availability of an instance type family is determined by the selected region. For recommended instance types for vxAG, see section 1.1.3 Recommended ECS Instance Types. 4. Select Marketplace Image and click Select from image market to search vxAG image. Enter “vxAG” in the search bar, and then click Continue. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 95. Select storage devices. The default 40 GiB Ultra Disk is enough for general usage. 6. Click Next: Networking button to enter Networking Configuration page. 2.2.2 Networking Configuration Perform the following procedure to complete the Networking Configurations: 1. Select a network a VPC and VSwitch created previously. 2. Configure the Public IP and its Billing Method. 3. Select a security group. The default security group can meet basic requirements. Please note – for security group, TCP Port 22 – for SSH access, Port 8888 – default vxAG WebUI access, Port 443 – default SSL-VPN access. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 104. Add an Elastic Network Interface (ENI). If your selected instance type supports ENI, you can add one and specify a VSwitch for it. Multiple ENI can be added for the vxAG with multiple network interfaces. 2.2.3 System Configuration (Optional) Perform the following procedure to complete the System Configurations: 1. Logon credentials - Select “Set Later”. Currently, vxAG on Alibaba Cloud does not support Key Pair or Password setup by Alibaba. 2. Specify the instance name, which is displayed in the ECS console, and the host name, which is displayed inside the guest operating system. 3. Set the advanced options if required. 4. Click Next: Grouping button to enter Grouping Configuration page. 2.2.4 Grouping Configuration (Optional) In the Grouping configuration page, you can add tags for instances to simplify future management. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 112.2.5 Configuration Preview Confirm the order and select the checkbox in Terms of Service section, and then click Create Instance button to finish. A popup will confirm that the Alibaba ECS instance is created and Console option to access VNC console password for local vxAG console access. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 12To see general vxAG information, go ECS console to see the vxAG Instances information. Such as the internet IP address and “Connect” for local VNC vxAG console access. 2.3 Accessing the vxAG Instance 2.3.1 Accessing the vxAG via SSH You can connect to the vxAG instance via Alibaba VNC Console or SSH through public internet IP after the status of the newly created vxAG instance becomes “Running”. To access the vxAG instance via SSH, enter the public IP address in the hostname column; enter the username “array” and the logon password “admin”. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 13Figure 2–1 Access vxAG via SSH 2.3.2 Accessing the vxAG Instance via WebUI You can also connect to the vxAG instance via WebUI once the following configurations are performed:  Enable the WebUI function by the “webui on” command.  (Optional) Configure the WebUI port by the “webui port” command. After performing the above configurations, enter the Public IP and WebUI port (https://public_ip:webui_port) in the Web browser. And then enter login user and password in the login page. Figure 2–2 Access vxAG via WebUI 2.4 Installing vxAG License For Subscription (PAYG) images, the license is pre-installed. For Bring your own license (BYOL) image, please contact local Array Sales for a license and follow the following steps to install vxAG license: 1. Use SSH to log into vxAG. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 142. Use “show version” command to acquire detailed system information including software version, appliance model, serial number, and etc. 3. Contact Array Customer Support to apply for a valid License Key. 4. Once get the license, execute “system license” command in Config mode and paste the license into the command to complete the license installation. 5. Check the “show version” output to confirm that the license is installed properly. Alternatively, you can load the license via WebUI. To load the license, select Admin Tools > System Management > License. 2020 Array Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved 15
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Array Networks vxAG (PAYG) - 500 Concurrent Users + 5 vSites

vxAG provides secured solution to AliCloud users. Anytime, anywhere, from remote PC/mobile devices to access cloud with secure connectivity and application-level AAA policies on a per-user basis.
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